Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Dangers Of Dabbing And What You Need To Know


The use of marijuana just became more dangerous, thanks to the increased popularity of dabbing. Basically, dabbing is the inhalation of THC (concentrated), which is extracted with the help of the organic compound butane. Although marijuana Dabs and dabbing have been around for well over a decade, the act has increased in popularity recently, possibly due to the idea of more creative methods of extraction.

The Dangers of Dabbing

Much of the danger lies in the methods that are used for extraction because:

Because many people who are trying this method need to rely on information from friends and the Internet, it can lead to many mistakes. And many of these mistakes can be fatal. Dabbing can be tricky, and when a novice attempts the extraction, there may be a few different outcomes. The best possible scenario is that the novice dabber got lucky, and produced fairly good results. Another scenario is that the results didn't turn out well, but if they keep at it, they can improve upon the method and produce some great results in the future. Now the bad news. The other option, which has a lot of people worried, is that the novice dabber can make a fatal mistake, and under the right (or wrong) circumstances, the outcome may be an explosion.

Another concern is the contaminants that can be inadvertently present in the finished product. Since there are a multitude of methods used for extraction, some are safer than others. And some methods may mistakenly add chemical contaminants to the finished product. If this is the case, these contaminants can be poisonous. This is something that may occur with novice users during home extraction.

Under the right circumstances dabbing doesn't sound too alarming, but as you can see from above, there are many scary drawbacks to the process. Drug abuse is common, and it doesn't matter how young or old a person is. If you know someone who has a drug problem, try to get them some help. And always be sure to make your children aware of the danger of drugs, and how they can affect a person's life.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

What Are The Most Common Drug That Cause Overdoses?


If you take drugs or you know someone who is, you probably are aware that you or your loved one can experience a drug overdose at any given time. Even though having a drug overdose does not necessarily mean you will die, it is important to note that there are many people who have overdosed and they died. As such, this is not something that you should take lightly. It is therefore important to take the necessary steps before you or a loved one has an overdose.

What happens when you have a drug overdose is that once your body is overwhelmed by the substance, there is a toxic effect that occurs. Even though the body is capable of healing itself, permanent organ damage can occur, or even death. There are common drugs that are known to cause an overdose and some of them are discussed below.

OTC Drugs

These drugs come with a clear warning of danger if taken in high doses. However, even though that is the case, they still rank high among drugs that cause an overdose. In this category you will find drugs such as cough syrups and Benadryl which are often used to achieve a cheap high. Indications of an overdose include extreme pain, nausea and vomiting.

Prescription Pain Relievers

Prescription pain relievers are also known to cause unintentional overdoses. Although narcotic pain relievers are legitimately prescribed, the illegal or prolonged use of such drugs can often cause high tolerance. This in turn increases the risk of a drug overdose. Symptoms of an overdose include confusion, difficulty breathing, disorientation and seizures.


Because this drug is so highly addictive, overdoses are not uncommon. This is one of those drugs people should just try and avoid at all cost. What is so dangerous about this drug is that you can use it for a very long time and not be aware that you are actually overdosing. This is because the symptoms you experience when you are high are quite similar to the overdose symptoms. The symptoms include trouble breathing constricted pupils, a weak pulse and a discolored tongue.

There is a long list of drug that cause overdoses. If you are one of the many people who take drugs, it is important to take the necessary steps to stop taking the drugs so that you can avoid an overdose.

Follow us for more information and resources on drug abuse and treatment.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Frequently Asked Questions About Drug And Alcohol Rehab

Accepting that one has an addiction problem and opting for rehab is a difficult decision that requires great courage. It is natural for individuals and their family members to have doubts and question about rehab. Read on for answers to some frequently asked questions about rehab.

How Long Does Rehabilitation Normally Take?

Unlike other questions about rehab, this query has no specific and precise answer. The duration of rehab depends on the individual's history, the physical condition, mental strength, and many other factors. Sustained recovery may often require multiple rehabs, individual and group therapy and counseling, and focus on activities like yoga, physical activities, and meditation.

What is the Cost of Rehab?

The total cost of rehab depends on the following factors:
• Choice of inpatient or outpatient rehab
• Amenities, animal therapy, gourmet cuisine, alternative therapies, and luxurious accommodation
• Length of the rehabilitation program, which can range from two weeks to up to six months
• The location of the rehab clinic

Is Rehab More Effective Outside the Home Environment?

Overcoming addiction becomes easier if one moves to a new environment, creates new habits, and develops a new lifestyle. Risk of relapse can be higher if one undergoes rehab in the same stressful environment where one developed the drug or substance addiction.

Outpatient treatment need not necessarily be far from home. The act of moving away from all the distractions will improve chances of recovery, even if one decides to stay close enough to take care of unavoidable duties and responsibilities.

Will My Insurance Cover the Rehab?

Although most health insurance plans cover drug rehab, it is advisable to check the extent of coverage, provision for cashless treatment, and upfront payments before making a decision. If the facility is not covered by your plan, you can opt for staggered payments or financing options that minimize the financial burden of rehab.  

How to Choose between Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab?

Inpatient rehab provides 24-hour care. Facilities include lodging, meals, counseling, therapies, stress-reducing activities, and a lot more. Outpatient rehab is a bit like visiting the hospital on a regular basis for treatment. Outpatient rehab is ideal for those with a short history of addiction. Long-term addicts and those who have suffered relapses will usually benefit more by opting for inpatient care.

Tackling addiction is a process that requires sustained individual effort along with the support of friends, family members, and online resources. Follow us for more information and resources on drug abuse and treatment along with answers to all your questions about rehab.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Most Addictive Prescription Drugs


Some forms of medication can have severe adverse effects when misused. They can only be obtained with a prescription from a doctor and patients should follow the recommended dosage to the letter. Unfortunately, this precaution is not enough to prevent people from abusing these substances. The following is a rundown of the most addictive prescription drugs:


Also known as Speed, this class of drugs is given to people suffering from narcolepsy and ADHD. It helps to regain focus and maintain alertness throughout the day. There is no doubt about its usefulness to individuals that have the disorders. The problem is that people often take amphetamines just to boost their energy level whenever they wish. Abuse it common among students who are cramming for projects and exam reviews. It is also widespread among long haul truck drivers and shift workers.


Codeine is an active ingredient in potent cough syrups. It works to minimize coughing and the pain the can sometimes come along with it. However, patients must be careful to consume this medication at the prescribed dosage. Over-dosage can lead to sedation to the point of having an altered consciousness. Due to its high availability, it has become a popular choice for people who are craving for a hit. There are even recipes that show how it can be mixed with candy and soda to create Purple Drank for this purpose.


Xanax is a depressant that is mainly used for the treatment of anxiety and panic disorder. It acts quickly to relax the muscles and produce a sedative effect. The result is a calmness that allows the patient to function normally in times of stress. It counteracts a hyper central nervous system. Xanax is said to be the most widely abused drug because of these.

It's not the only popular depressant, though. Other people are partial to Valium and Klonopin which have similar effects. People who take them feel relaxed, almost as if pleasantly drunk, and are likely to be more talkative. These benzodiazepines are highly addictive. This prescription drug addiction can result in fainting and even death.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Late Morning Is The BestTime To Drink Coffee

Many individuals drink coffee for their daily jolt of caffeine. Drinking that cup early in the day blunts caffeine's energy-boosting effects and could possibly lead to higher tolerance. Circadian rhythms and the release of the hormone cortisol are factors on how caffeine is processed.

Although everyone is slightly different, circadian rhythms are genetically programmed into individuals. Lifestyle habits may change this to a certain extent, but sunlight is the major regulating factor. Cortisol, the hormone that makes us feel alert and awake, enters peak production under normal circumstances between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. When many people are having their initial cups of coffee, their bodies are producing their own natural caffeine. Consuming caffeine at a time when cortisol is in peak production actually diminishes its effects and allows individuals to build up greater tolerance to it. Consuming caffeine at the time when cortisol is in peak production runs counter to pharmacology principles that call for use of a drug when it is most needed.

Because cortisol is also a stress-related hormone, an increase tolerance for caffeine can lead to heightened cortisol levels, which can have adverse effects on health.

A 2009 study indicates that in addition to the morning time slot, cortisol production peaks an additional two times during the day,  between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. and between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Timing coffee consumption when cortisol levels naturally dip is the best time to drink coffee. Thus, the best time to consume caffeine-laden coffee is between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. If you are a daily coffee drinker, however, drinking a cup of coffee every hour or so will give you the best bang for your buck with regard to positive effects from caffeine.

One aspect that no study has taken into consideration, however, is the effect that coffee and caffeine consumption has on individuals who use it very early in the morning such as at 5 a.m. or 6 a.m. The only  comment that could be said for individuals who must have their caffeine fix at this time of the day is the old adage of "everything in moderation."

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

What Are Hangovers And How Long Do They Last?

Drinking too much alcohol is more likely to cause a hangover. There are those that will experience hangovers after only taking a few glasses of alcohol, and there are those that hardly experience hangovers no matter how much they drink. While experts can't explain exactly what brings about hangovers, some possible reasons may include; genetics, drug use, alcohol withdrawal, low blood sugar and methanol among others. This article provides information on hangovers that will help you understand them better.

When Does a Hangover Start

Hangovers begin when the concentration of alcohol in the blood falls. Most people start experiences these symptoms when these levels hit zero.

When Does a Hangover End

While nobody likes to get a hangover, it can actually be a good thing. If you are the type of person to learn from your mistakes, then you are likely to avoid taking too much alcohol in the future after experiencing the side effects. Most people experience hangovers a few hours after they stop drinking. The effect will usually last up to 24 hours. However, in more severe cases, a hangover may last for days as a result of alcohol withdrawal.

Severe Hangovers

Taking less refined alcohol, taking poor quality alcohol and mixing drinks can cause severe cases of hangovers. Drinking too much alcohol for an extended period of time will also lead to bad cases of hangovers, no matter what types of drinks you take. There are a couple of remedies meant to cure hangovers, but it is important to understand that most of them have not been tested in a medical facility and there is no telling what kind of effect they may have on your body. Most hangovers get better as time goes by. Others only seem to get worse with time, but eventually go away.

When using hangover remedies, always make sure they are safe so as to avoid making things worse. Note that some remedies will only work for certain people under different conditions. Just because a remedy cured a friend does not mean it will work for you. Basically, the best way to avoid a hangover is to avoid taking too much alcohol and knowing your limit.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

What is Alcoholism Really?


We frequently hear people ask, "what is alcoholism." Alcoholism can be a confusing area. The Alcoholics Anonymous UK claims to have no unique definition for it. However, it can be described as a physical compulsion that is driven by mental obsessions. An alcoholic is anyone who suffers from alcoholism. This disorder plagues its sufferers with alcohol cravings that strike at the worst possible times. Alcoholics never know when or how they can stop drinking. It's important to note that alcoholism is not a choice; it's a long-term disease. 

Alcoholics Have No Control

Alcoholics have no control over how much alcohol they consume. It typically causes serious financial issues, and problems at home or work. People who abuse alcohol do not tend to show the same characteristics of people that suffer from alcoholism. However, they still have an issue with alcohol that needs to be addressed. The only difference is when you have alcohol abuse, you haven't lost control over how much you consume. 

People with moderate levels of alcohol consumption will generally not cause any physical or psychological harm. Unfortunately, some people who drink socially begin to partake in heavier driving activities that can kick start alcoholism and / or alcohol abuse. 

There Are 140 Million Alcoholics In The World

Statistics from the National Health Service in the UK shows that one in every 13 people is an alcoholic. In the United State, roughly 15% of Americans have drinking problems. According to the World Health Organization there are 140 million alcoholic in the entire world. However, most of these alcoholics do not receive treatment. A study in the US estimated that 30% of Americans claim to have had an alcohol disorder at some point in their lives. 

The Symptoms Include But Are Not Limited To The Following:

  • Drinking alone or in secret
  • The inability to limit how much alcohol is consumed
  • Black outs
  • Feeling irritated when loved one's express concern about your habits
  • Feeling the urge to drink
  • Become withdrawn
  • Losing interest in activities you found pleasurable before you started drinking
  • Hiding your alcohol stash
  • Relationships issues
  • Getting in trouble with the law because of drinking
  • Alcohol-related issues at work
  • Financial difficulties due to alcohol consumption
  • Needing to drink more alcohol than normal to feel drunk
  • Nausea, vomiting, and / or sweating when alcohol isn't available 

Get The Help You Need

If you or a loved one is suffering from any of these symptoms, you need to seek treatment. Alcoholism can be deadly if it's left untreated. It's also important to note that an alcoholic cannot simply stop drinking cold turkey. When your brain has become dependent on alcohol, stopping could result in seizures, cardiac arrest, and other issues. If you wish to stop drinking, you need to check into a residential alcohol rehab facility to ensure your sobriety isn't cut short.

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At Summit Estate Residential Alcohol Rehab:

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