Friday, February 20, 2015

Methylphenidate Addictions - Treatments That Might Work for You


When you are addicted to something called vitamin R, also referred to as R-ball or MPH, is a drug that is found in many prescription drugs that are specifically designed to help people with narcolepsy or ADHD. Its primary purpose is to stimulate the central nervous system so as to offset falling unconscious or acting inappropriately, or perhaps not having the ability to stay focused. In the same way that amphetamines stimulate your CNS, Methylphenidate can also help, but it can also become addicting. Here is how you can get the help that you need for this particular drug.

What Methylphenidate Actually Does For You

When you go to the doctor, and you are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, he will likely recommend a drug that can help stimulate your central nervous system. You may receive the prescription for a drug called Ritalin or Concerta, both of which can help in this area. The problem is that if you don't have this affliction, and you take this for the rush that it will provide like an amphetamine, you can become addicted to this feeling, and keep using this drug, even though on the street it is illegal.

Ending Your Addiction  To Methylphenidate

Unlike opiates, these are drugs that simply stimulate your central nervous system and do not affect the receptors leading to them in a perpetual manner. You can actually stop using them, a choice that you can make, and the withdrawals will be minimal. You can check into a treatment center that can also help you that will give you the professional assistance that you need. Either way, you're better off not to use any ADHD medication unless you are suffering from the condition which is why you need to get help if you are addicted to this drug.