Drinking too much alcohol is more likely to cause a hangover. There are those that will experience hangovers after only taking a few glasses of alcohol, and there are those that hardly experience hangovers no matter how much they drink. While experts can't explain exactly what brings about hangovers, some possible reasons may include; genetics, drug use, alcohol withdrawal, low blood sugar and methanol among others. This article provides information on hangovers that will help you understand them better.
When Does a Hangover Start
Hangovers begin when the concentration of alcohol in the blood falls. Most people start experiences these symptoms when these levels hit zero.
When Does a Hangover End
While nobody likes to get a hangover, it can actually be a good thing. If you are the type of person to learn from your mistakes, then you are likely to avoid taking too much alcohol in the future after experiencing the side effects. Most people experience hangovers a few hours after they stop drinking. The effect will usually last up to 24 hours. However, in more severe cases, a hangover may last for days as a result of alcohol withdrawal.
Severe Hangovers
Taking less refined alcohol, taking poor quality alcohol and mixing drinks can cause severe cases of hangovers. Drinking too much alcohol for an extended period of time will also lead to bad cases of hangovers, no matter what types of drinks you take. There are a couple of remedies meant to cure hangovers, but it is important to understand that most of them have not been tested in a medical facility and there is no telling what kind of effect they may have on your body. Most hangovers get better as time goes by. Others only seem to get worse with time, but eventually go away.
When using hangover remedies, always make sure they are safe so as to avoid making things worse. Note that some remedies will only work for certain people under different conditions. Just because a remedy cured a friend does not mean it will work for you. Basically, the best way to avoid a hangover is to avoid taking too much alcohol and knowing your limit.