If you are currently having quite a bit of difficulty when it comes to sleeping at night, it could have a lot to do with your personal life. You may be going through a great deal of stress at your place of employment, or maybe your social life is not quite in balance. You may be going through a divorce, or a bad relationship, or you could have possibly just had a string of bad luck come your way.
Regardless of the reason you're not sleeping, you can always get a prescription for either Ambien or Sonata to help you sleep. The problem with these drugs is that they become very addicting over time, which is why many people try to stop using them. Here are some tips on getting rid of your addiction to either of these drugs, plus a remedy that might help you sleep.
Why Sleeping Drugs Are Addicting
In the same way that opiates are able to effectively change the way your neural transmitters operate, and the way that your central nervous system effects your ability to feel pain, sleeping medications also interact within the brain by affecting certain receptors that cause you to go to sleep. When you are taking Ambien or Sonata, they are able to affect these changes quite rapidly, usually within 20 minutes, causing you to go to sleep.
They essentially make you feel more relaxed, and in doing so, you're able to go to sleep throughout the night, and usually wake up refreshed. Unfortunately, this may actually stop working in a pleasant manner, causing you to have a feeling as if you are hung over. To get rid of these drugs in your life, there are some options you might want to consider.
Getting Help For Sleeping Medication Addiction
A choice that many people make when using these drugs, especially if they want to stop using them, is to work with a group of professionals that can help them gradually diminish their overall use until they no longer need them. Another method is to use something more natural that can also help you sleep.
There are several natural herbs and supplements that are out there that can replicate to some degree what Ambien and Sonata are able to do. By substituting these natural remedies, like valerian root, you will be able to quickly and your addiction to the sleeping medications.
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