Thursday, September 19, 2013

Why You Need To Get Over LSD

Many people start taking drugs for the fun of it thinking that they are cool and better than their peers who don’t. However, some hard drugs can get someone addicted within a considerably short time, even before the person realizes it. For instance, LSD, also known as Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Blotter or simply Acid can make someone psychologically dependent in as early as less than a week of continuous usage hence it would be important to have a plan on how to stop the abuse.

You wouldn’t want to be losing your sense of time especially if you want to do anything important in your life. Given the fact that some people take it to for the fun of it, you may end up failing to perform different duties simply because you lose your sense of time. Whether you use the drug once or continuously, you may experience psychosis symptoms, which you may really not want to face when you are sober since some of the symptoms may last for too months after use.

If you are a woman wishing to get a child, you may consider stopping intake if you care for yourself or the child you want to have. This is because LSD has a tendency of causing spontaneous abortion meaning you won’t be able to have that child you wish to have. On the other hand, the drug plays a role in causing numerous birth defects hence you should avoid it for the good of the unborn child.

If you don’t like paranoid people, you won’t like yourself when you take the Acid continuously. This is because the drug causes severe depression coupled with hallucination, which may make your life a living hell. Since the addiction is more psychological than physical, stopping intake of the drug for a week can significantly reduce your reliance on it.

Each person has unique responses after taking LSD. Whether you are a beginner or psychologically dependent on Acid, you can easily overcome that dependence. This is because it doesn’t get you hooked like other hard drugs such as cocaine.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Does the Party Lifestyle Promoted by Social Media Encourage Alcoholism?

Social media encourages us to always share the best parts of our lives. Barring the occasional "I work so hard!" complaint, most people don't post boring details on social media. Instead, they talk about the holidays they go on, the nice things they buy, and the parties they attend. This phenomenon can lead to impressionable young people thinking that real life is supposed to be the way life is depicted on Facebook, leading to feelings of inadequacy and depression.

When a young person sees lots of posts on social media about parties, cocktails and beers, it's natural for them to assume that it's perfectly normal to drink a lot. In fact, they may assume that if they aren't drinking and partying every weekend, they are boring or unpopular. This skewed perception of what is normal, combined with feelings of inadequacy, could cause some young people to turn to alcoholism.

That's not to say that all social media is dangerous or bad. Party Positive, a new initiative by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators is working to change the way that students think about the party lifestyle. This initiative encourages students to eat right, stay hydrated, and be responsible when they are at parties. This alone won't make any difference to the social media problem, but it will help students to stay safe when they go to parties.

Young people are starting social media engagement at an earlier and earlier age, and this shift could benefit future generations of students. Parents should educate their children about the way things appear online, and remind them that most people present themselves on social media the way they want to be, rather than the way they really are. The old advice of "don't believe everything you read" applies just as much to social media as it does to print media.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Life of an Alcoholic: One Big Hangover

Words From an Actual Recovering Alcoholic on What Life Is Like for Alcoholics

Your life, when you are addicted to alcohol, is one great big hangover. A great number of people have had at least one bad hangover in their lifetime, so most should be familiar with the symptoms of a hangover.

When you are an alcoholic, you never usually go more than 5-8 hours without a drink, depending on the severity. With this steady stream of alcohol entering into the body, you might be able to avoid little hangovers by nipping at the "hair of the dog," or by fighting off a hangover with more alcohol, but trust me, this is only delaying the inevitable. That hangover is going to come soon enough, and when it does, it could be a hangover after 4 or 5 days of straight drinking. Just imagine that hangover.

After one of these long binges, it comes time to stop alcohol intake until you are feeling better enough to drink again. I call it a hangover, but it is really a combination of hangover/withdrawal symptoms. The withdrawal symptoms include: numbness in the extremities, uncontrollable shaking, hallucinations, cold sweats, hot sweats, nausea, headache, and worst of all severe depression and anxiety.

All of this culminates together into the worst hangover of all time, and you can't sleep it off, as the withdrawals won't let you sleep. It can take 2-3 days to get through this, and all the while you are telling yourself: "I am never drinking again." Unfortunately, after the multi-day hangover is gone, you start drinking, and the process starts all over again.

One would think that you could be able to stay not drinking after all of that sickness and 3 days of hell, but it doesn't. This is evidence of just how hard it is to overcome alcohol addiction, even if the individual truly wants to quit and is tired of having an eternal-hangover, it still remains difficult.

Are you struggling with an addiction to drugs and alcohol?
Northridge Counseling can help:

intensive outpatient program at north ridge counseling

The Dangers Of Ecstasy And Hallucinogens

Often called the drug for young people, there are more and more people each and every day who are falling victim to an addiction to ecstasy and other hallucinogens. Methylene dioxy methamphetamine, otherwise known as XTC or X, this is a common drug found on the streets and widely used in many night clubs. Not only is this drug illegal, but it can have a number of dangerous side effects that must be made aware of by anyone who could be faced with these kinds.

Anytime you suspect that a loved one is involved in drugs such as ecstasy it is very important that you are able to understand some of the symptoms to look out for. While there are a number of studies that show that XTC or ecstasy is not as addictive as many of the other drugs being used today, there are plenty of ways that it can have a negative impact on your health or mental well-being. People who tend to get in trouble while using ecstasy will often find that their best way of getting away from the desire to use it will be taking the step towards treatment.

One of the many dangers associated with ecstasy is that it is a widely distributed street drug. Because there are so many people making it and dealing it, the drug itself can vary from dealer to dealer. It goes without saying that you will not know what you are getting from one moment to the next, making it a dangerous gamble each time a user takes the drug.

When it comes to the impact of ecstasy, users will find that they will often have mood swings or an inability to perceive what is reality. Changes in behavior and a difficulty to make rational decisions are just a few of the reasons why a drug such as ecstasy can be so dangerous.