Monday, June 30, 2014

Alcohol Abuse - Understanding The Effects Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse On Your Body

Alcohol Abuse - Understanding The Effects

Drinking alcoholic beverages is a favorite activity with many people today. After a long day at work, they may unwind by drinking a beer, or a cup of wine, in order to start relaxing. It is true that alcohol has the ability to relax your muscles, and also change your perceptions in a sometimes positive way. By drinking alcohol in moderation, it can also provide several health benefits. This article will detail what these benefits are, as well as how you can get help for your alcohol abuse problem by getting the treatment they need.

The Effects Of Alcohol Abuse

The signs of alcohol abuse are very obvious. People become shaky, incoherent, and simply incapable of participating with everyone else in their lives if they don't get a drink or two. Second, alcohol abuse can ruin your internal organs, specifically your heart, kidneys and liver. If you're able to find someone that can help you avoid drinking alcohol in excess, it is something that may add years to your life. To do this, you have to find a certified company or person that can get you on the right track toward becoming alcohol free.

Signs Of Alcohol Abuse

Now that you know that alcohol can be bad for you, as well as pharmaceutical drugs that are taken recreationally, alcohol and drug abuse, along with the signs of drug and alcohol abuse, can be very noticeable depending upon how much someone drinks. Regardless of your situation, or how long you have been an alcoholic or drug addict, you could still get help for your problem by contacting the right people that can provide you with the help that you need. Go ahead and make that call today.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What Is Ecstasy? Information About This Hallucinogenic

Many people have heard of ecstasy, but they do not really know what it is.  Ecstasy is a drug that is commonly abused.  It has both hallucinogenic and stimulant effects on most users.  Because of this it is a commonly abused drug in the rave scene.

Ecstasy was first developed over a hundred years ago, and was intended to be used as an appetite suppressant.  It has now evolved into a rave and club scene drug.  Many abusers will mix ecstasy with other drugs, but they will often avoid alcohol use.  This is because they believe that the alcohol will diminish the effects of the drug.

Ecstasy is usually found in tablet form and taken orally.  The tablets can also be ground to make a powder that will allow the user to inhale the drug for faster effects.  This drug is very rarely injected into the body.  The route of administration will determine how quickly the effects are felt.  The average length of feeling effects is four to six hours.

Use of ecstasy can result in a wide variety of effects and undesirable side effects.  Many of the possible problems that a user might encounter are similar to cocaine and amphetamines.  Long term users that have had examinations by doctors have neurons in their brains that show damage.

The damaged areas of the brain deal with the areas of emotion, learning and sleep.  Any damage to these areas can greatly affect the life of the former user.  Many users do not think of the long term effects of a drug that makes you feel good in the short term.  It might possibly help to have former users talk to young adults before their first time taking the drug in order to help dissuade them from ever trying it the first time.

Ecstasy Abuse is Rampant in California and Many Other States in the U.S!

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Laguna Beach , Ca 92651
(888) 632-7135

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Monday, June 9, 2014

Marijuana Or Pot Drug Abuse And The Ramifications


Right now there are various states in the US that are legalizing the smoking of Marijuana under various circumstances. The motivation for this is the hue and the cry of pot smokers who claim that is harms no one but themselves, and that there is great doubt that it is harmful at all.

In addition, there is the medicinal factor that pot smoking alleviates pain from certain diseases such as cancer and arthritis. Our prisons are overflowing with people who have been dealers of marijuana and who got arrested one too many times, and ended up in the slammer.

The person who smokes pot on a regular basis will claim that it is as harmless as smoking a cigarette, but wait a minute, smoking a cigarette is not so harmless. It is estimated that the carcinogenic effects of smoking pot is way higher than those of smoking regular tobacco, and those are bad enough. Each year there are more than 160,000 lung cancer deaths in the United States.

The immediate effects of marijuana smoking is a euphoric state, go "getting high" and then a temporary loss of memory, and a continued "stoned" feeling. Motor skills become impaired and the mouth becomes dry, and the eyes become reddened.

Side effects of continued pot smoking over an extended period of time can contribute to liver malfunction, difficulties with heart, lung, and vascular function, and eventual COPD.

Other safety concerns include the possibility of the development of schizophrenia, memory and cognitive impairment issues. There have been studies that have shown without a doubt that pot smokers have exhibited a physical change in chromosome makeup, which would have unknown results moving forward.

The medical value of cannabis, as pot is called, is disputed by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, as it is stated that the negative effects outweigh any positive results the drug might make available.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Abuse of Crack, Cocaine, Rock And The Ramifications

Cocaine, crack cocaine and derivatives affect the dopamine in the brain giving the individual a "high" or a feeling of euphoria. If the individual continues to take the drug either by smoking, injection or by snorting the powder, it takes longer to get high with each successive hit. This promotes overuse of the drug, which can be dangerous.

What happens is that the more hits in succession a user takes, the longer it takes for the dopamine in the brain takes to get replenished, and each time a hit is taken the highs become less intense.

When cocaine is taken repeatedly, which tends to be the case in binge usage causes irritability, paranoia and restlessness. Too much of a good thing can lead to a full-blown psychosis where the person can lose all touch with reality and can experience all kinds of hallucinations.

One specific psychosis involves affected individuals believing that they feel or perceive that they have parasites that are crawling under their skin. These types of reactions can actually  be a good thing, because it can cause people to stop taking more hits.

In situations where the binge continues, people can develop a higher tolerance for the drug where it takes more and more hits to reach a stage of satisfaction where the person starts to endanger him or herself with too much of the drug.

Each person is affected differently with these cocaine derivatives, such as crack and rock. Some people develop an early sensitivity to cocaine due to the drugs pain killing attributes. These people can have convulsive seizures, without increasing the dosage, and respiratory and cardiovascular issues can occur. This can explain many of the deaths of people on relatively low doses of the drug.

Abuse of cocaine derived drugs is a dangerous and difficult road to travel as it is extremely addictive and easy to abuse without an individual really becoming aware of the abuse.