Tuesday, July 1, 2014

PCP Can And Will Ruin You


A lot of people out there don't really do PCP any longer, but it's still an issue in some communities. It's important to realize why this isn't a good thing to be on. Here you'll get an idea of why this substance is dangerous so you can figure out why to avoid it.

Know that when you take PCP and use it, there's no telling what it's going to do to you. You may have a good time when you do it first, or you could totally have a freak out and end up in jail or dead. People that do this drug are one person one minute, and the next they're stripping their clothes off and chasing people down the street. The reason for this is unknown, but it is known that most people that do PCP will snap at some point due to the drug's side effects.

When on PCP you will have little control over how you're acting. It causes a disconnect in your brain and so you're basically just being controlled by the drug. Even if you'd never hurt someone or yourself, that may happen on the drug since your brain will be totally scrambled up in a way. Don't do a drug like this if you don't want to land in jail or kill yourself. It's a scary thing to have a normal life one minute, and then since you did PCP once the rest of your life is never going to be the same.

Now you're aware of the dangers of PCP and should be a little more scared of it. This is a difficult drug to predict the effects of, but it's a good idea to get to know it a little better so you know not to mess with it.

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