Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Basics of Alcohol Abuse


Alcohol is often advertised as a vital component of celebrations and parties. Popular commercials often feature various beers and liquor. Alcohol use is acceptable in the mainstream, and many people never experience issues with it. So what is alcohol abuse?

The darker side of alcohol occurs when the party is over and the drinking continues. Some people have a genetic or environmental predisposition to alcohol abuse or alcohol addiction. The signs of alcohol abuse tend to escalate until they are no longer deniable.

Signs of alcohol abuse may be as obvious as someone who regularly gets so intoxicated that they black out and don't remember anything. But alcoholism can also remain hidden as the alcoholic tries to maintain their family life along with work or school, while drinking secretly. The users may drink on a daily basis but are able to mostly hide the effects and evidence of their drinking. But in the end, the only people that alcoholics are fooling is themselves (and even they aren't really fooled,  but are just in denial).

Alcoholics often end up in denial and say that they can stop drinking any time that that choose (but simply choose not to stop drinking). But then they always have a good reason to have a drink. They begin to need alcohol just to function on a daily basis. Their body begins to depend on the presence of alcohol. A severe, chronic alcoholic can get severely ill or even die if they quit abruptly, so professional treatment is always advisable.

Alcohol abuse treatment centers have great success. There is the initial medical aspect so that withdrawal doesn't put the user in medical danger (and to ease the withdrawal symptoms). The aftercare is mostly psychological support in a community of others who are dealing with the same issues. With proper care like this, alcoholics have a greater chance of recovery and even being able to one day help others who fall into alcoholism to recover.

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